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arquitectura viva
p u b l i c a t i o n  | H A L O

2 0 2 4

"La torre de ascensores Halo Vigo está rematada con un anillo visible desde diferentes puntos de la ciudad gallega de Vigo. Situado en la calle Serafín Avendaño, el ascensor urbano conecta la cubierta de la estación intermodal de Vigo —un proyecto de la firma Morphosis,.."


p u b l i c a t i o n  | H A L O

2 0 2 4

"Architecture firms NOARQ, AM2 Arquitectos, and engineering firm Arenas Y Asociados introduce Halo, a soaring urban elevator with a circular aerial passage in Vigo, Spain. Originally conceived for an international architecture competition, the project integrates..."


h i c   a r q u i t e c t u r a
p u b l i c a t i o n  | H A L O

2 0 2 4

"More than an elevator, the “Halo” proposal is a tribute to the horizon. A ring of light visible from multiple points in the city, an advertisement and a landmark. A sculpture of pure lines, the union of engineering, architecture and art..."

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b a u n e t z   w i s s e n
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T I h o u s e

2 0 2 4

"Ein unvollendetes Bauwerk im portugiesischen Santo Tirso, welches in einem fast fertigen Zustand leer stand, verwandelte das Team von NOARQ in ein Wohnhaus, das wesentliche Merkmale portugiesischer Architektur..."


a f a s i a 
p u b l i c a t i o n  | H A L O

2 0 2 4

“Halo” es una respuesta a las preguntas correctas, un icono y una escultura. Más importante que una respuesta, es una pregunta acertada, y las preguntas fueron claras: ¿se puede intervenir sin cegar las vistas del atrio central de la nueva estación intermodal?, ¿se pueden en una misma..."

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a r c h i t i z e r
p u b l i c a t i o n  | R A I A T

2 0 2 4

"The rehabilitation and the extension of the former of ‘Indústria Alimentar Trofense’ building into the Town Hall of municipality of Trofa.
The site is in the south of the urban centre on the edge..."

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DM 015n(6251)-725.jpg

a r c h e l l o
p u b l i c a t i o n  | R A I A T

2 0 2 4

"The rehabilitation and the extension of the former of ‘Indústria Alimentar Trofense’ building into the Town Hall of municipality of Trofa.
The site is in the south of the urban centre on the edge..."

DM 009n(0447)-725.jpg

c o n a r q u i t e c t u r a
p u b l i c a t i o n  | R A I A T

2 0 2 4

"La parcela tiene 6.200,85 m2. Su geometría alargada y estrecha, paralela a la linea del ferrocarril, terminaba en forma de ojiva, apuntando hacia el norte. Una construcción se eregía en este complejo..."

DM 052(6249)-718.jpg

arquitectura viva
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T I h o u s e

2 0 2 4

"Esta intervención consiste en renovar una casa de dos pisos abandonada durante veinte años. La sólida construcción de hormigón mostraba muchos signos de vandalismo. A través de las incisiones y los rellenos adecuados se realiza..."

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a r c h e l l o 
p u b l i c a t i o n  | M T M G  h o u s e

2 0 2 3

"A single-family house looking at the city of Santo Tirso, from the north bank of the River Ave.

The clients' request assumed a certain ambition.In the extension of the program, as in the specificity of the..."

DM 001(6554)-718.jpg

a r c h d a i l y  
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T I h o u s e

2 0 2 3

"TI House, a 20-year history of an abandonment.

The house is in of Santo Tirso. We found a two-story contemporary house abandoned very close of its conclusion. It was a very solid concrete construction, with excellent infrastructures, but with many signs of vandalism..."


a r c h i t i z e r
p u b l i c a t i o n  | M T M G  h o u s e

2 0 2 3

"A single-family house looking at the city of Santo Tirso, from the north bank of the River Ave.

The clients' request assumed a certain ambition.In the extension of the program, as in the specificity of the..."

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a r c h i t e c t u r a l  r e c o r d 
p u b l i c a t i o n  | R A I A T

2 0 2 3

"Until November of last year, Trofa was the only municipality in Portugal without a town hall. Though it lies on an ancient route that dates back to the Roman Empire, the small industrial center only gained administrative autonomy in..."


p ú b l i c o  |  P 3 
p u b l i c a t i o n  | M T M G  h o u s e

2 0 2 3

"Foi numa antiga propriedade agrícola em Santo Tirso que nasceu a Casa MTMG. Além de um conjunto de carvalhos antigos e uma ruína, o terreno de mais de 13 mil metros quadrados estava praticamente vazio..."


a r c h d a i l y  
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  R A I A T

2 0 2 2

"No País dos Arquitectos é um podcats criado por Sara Nunes, responsável também pela produtora de filmes de arquitetura Building Pictures, que tem como objetivo conhecer os profissionais, os projetos e as histórias..."


faro de Vigo
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  P O N T E D O U R O

2 0 2 1

Proyecto premiado del puente sobre el rio Duero en Oporto, Edgar Cardoso, Arena & Asociados, Noarq. El equipo redactor del proyecto del HALO de Vigo, el ascensor que conectarà Garcia Barbon con Vialia, ha sido galardonad...


portal piscinas hoy
a r t i c l e  |  A Q U A V A I

2 0 2 1

Proyecto AQUAVAI: una piscina en la playa como emblema de Vilagarcía de Arousa. Aquavai es la propuesta ganadora resultado de la colaboración de los arquitectos Alexandre Mouriño (AM2 Arquitectos, España) y Jose Car...


the best new architects
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  A Q U A V A I

2 0 2 1

There are landscapes that seem perfect, finished. Touching them can mean corrupting them. Faced with the splendour of the ocean, a swimming pool will never cease to be a fantasy, a representation of the desire to possess part of w...


a r c h d a i l y  B r a z i l
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T M C a p a r t m e n t

2 0 2 1

Descrição enviada pela equipe de projeto. A renovação de um apartamento é metade de um exercício de arquitetura. Falta o confronto com o papel vazio. Falta a dimensão urbana. Falta a expressão das grandes opções individuai...


d e s i g n  c e n t r a l  m a g
a r t i c l e  |  R P F V  h o u s e

2 0 2 1

Minimalist house coated with schist walls by NoArq. See how NoArq, a architecture studio based in Portugal, solved a three floors steep with a minimalist approach and respecting the local materials. Share it on your favorite pla...

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o  n o t i c i a s  d a  T r o f a 
p u b l i c a t i o n  |  Q S T  h o u s e

2 0 2 0

A NOARQ, atelier do arquiteto trofense José Carlos Nunes Oliveira, está entre os vencedores do Architecture MasterPrize 2020 (AMP), concurso que premeia projetos nas áreas de arquitetura, design de interiores e arquitetur...


e s p a ç o  d e  a r q u i t e t u r a

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  Q S T  h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"São 9 os projetos portugueses finalistas dos Dezeen Awards 2020, estando estes finalistas dividos na lista de arquitetura e de interiores. Foram selecionados  mais de 4.300 inscrições de 85 países, para a 3ª edição do d..." 


d e z e e n

l o n g l i s t  |  Q S T  h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"The house rises from broad blocks of granite into the wilderness, like a fortification, indistinct from the supporting walls at the edge of the street. It backs up the old farmland, now transformed into a garden. The building stretches its..." 


a r c h e l l o

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  H O R A  b i s t r o

2 0 2 0

"There was there a buffet with tradition at lunchtime. A pleasant little square, parodaxally surrounded by modest housing, with balconies ornamented by the prosaic habits of the locals, shared by Chef Miguel Reis. A landscape of ..." 


f u t u r i s t   a r c h i t e c t u r e 

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T. a p a r t m e n t

2 0 2 0

"It is a project of renovation of a Souto de Moura apartment from 1992 that bought by a couple located in Foz do Douro, Porto, Portugal. At first, NoArq is not sure to do the renovation of this masterpiece but in the end, this projec ..." 


f u t u r i s t   a r c h i t e c t u r e 

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  E D & J O  h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"ED&JO House is a 2013 – 2018 project located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, Braga, Portugal. The aim is to demolish a single-family dwelling then build another one in the center of V. N. de Famalicão. The gross area of this ..." 


a r c h d a i l y C h i n a 

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  Q S T  h o u s e

2 0 2 0



f u t u r i s t   a r c h i t e c t u r e 

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  Q S T  h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"Located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, Braga, Portugal, QST Renovation is a 2014 – 2019 project by NOARQ. This beautiful house is like a fortification, rises from broad blocks of blue granite into the wilderness. Each constructive pie..." 


f u t u r i s t   a r c h i t e c t u r e 

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  R P F V  h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"Located in Santo Tirso, Porto, Portugal with 2157.30 m2 in size, RPFV House is a three-story house designed by NoArq. Started in 2013 and completed in 2018, this house is designed with a new construction merges into the morph..." 

12-QST-view of the living room.jpg

a r c h d a i l y

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  Q S T h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"The house rises from broad blocks of blue granite into the wilderness, like a fortification, indistinct from the supporting walls at the edge of the street. It backs up the old farmland, now transformed into a garden. The silhouette embedde..." 


a r c h d a i l y  B r a s i l

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  Q S T h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"A casa pousada à margem da rua habita a solidão do norte. Ergue-se de largos blocos de alvenaria de granito azul num ermo, como uma fortificação.Os dois pisos de habitação fundem-se com os muros de suporte. Sustenta-..."


A r c h i t i z e r

p u b l i c a t i o n | Q S T h o u s e

2 0 2 0

 p r o j e c t   o f   t h e   w e e k 

"Q S T h o u s e | 2 0 2 0 adds a modern twist to an old country house in Santo Tirso, Portugal. #ProjectOfTheWeek Check out the full project here:"


a r c h i t e k t u r  F A C H M A G A Z I N

p u b l i c a t i o n | Q S T h o u s e

2 0 2 0

"Im ländlichen Gebiet nordöstlich von Porto gelegen, ersteckt sich hinter einer hohen Mauer ein ehemaliges Farmhaus, das von den ansässigen Architekten NOARQ mit viel Gefühl in ein privates Wohnhaus verwandelt worden..."

2020-02-09-AECCafé TCM.jpg

A E C C a f é

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T M C a p a r t

2 0 2 0

"A flat renovation is a bit of an architectural exercise. It misses the stress facing the empty paper. It misses the urban dimension. It misses the expression of the big individual options. It misses the complexity, time and length of the f..." 

2020-02-10-archdaily TEATRO.jpg

a r c h d a i l y

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T. a p a r t

2 0 2 0

"Descrição enviada pela equipe de projeto. Um casal comprou uma conhecida penthouse com vista de mar. O célebre edifício de habitação tem quase 30 anos. Emergiu enquanto frequentava a faculdade. Arrebatador à époc..." 

2019-12-26-designboom QST.jpg

d e s i g n b o o m

p u b l i c a t i o n  |  Q S T  h o u s e

2 0 1 9

"Portuguese architecture practice NOARQ has renovated a house in vila nova de famalicão, a town in the north of portugal, adding a suspended blood-red cabin above its entrance. titled Q S T, the house rises from broad blocks..." 


A r c h i t i z e r

p u b l i c a t i o n | N P h o u s e

2 0 1 9

 p r o j e c t   o f   t h e   d a y 

"Adequacy of existing housing, with 262.09m2 of gross floor area, to the actual needs of comfort for an family of 4 persons and the housing laws and rules of construction a..."


D i s - U p !

p u b l i c a t i o n | Q S T h o u s e

2 0 1 9

"El estudio de arquitectura NOARQ dirigido por el arquitecto portugués José Carlos Nunes de Oliveira, ha ampliado una villa de piedra en Portugal con una cabaña de color rojo brillante montada sobre gruesos bloques d..."


a f a s i a
p u b l i c a t i o n | Q S T h o u s e

2 0 1 9

"The house rises from broad blocks of blue granite into the wilderness, like a fortification, indistinct from the supporting walls at the edge of the street. It backs up the old farmland now transformed into a garden. The silhouette embedded..."


d e z e e n

p u b l i c a t i o n | Q S T h o u s e

2 0 1 9

"Architecture studio NOARQ has extended a stone villa in Portugal with a bright red cabin perched on thick blocks of granite above the entrance. Located in the town of Vila Nova de Famalicão, the house sits directly alongside a r..."

2019-10-23-la nacion.jpg

L A  N A C I O N

i n t e r v i e w  |  N O A R Q 

2 0 1 9

"Buenos Aires es, a los ojos de renombrados exponentes de la arquitectura mundial que participan en la Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura, una ciudad "bella", "cautivante", "imponente", "europea".  Los expertos en la disciplina aprovechan estos días ..."


a e c c a f é

p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 9

"The proposal was made for a plot of land with 1697 m², where 112 m² were covered area that corresponded to a demolished two-floor house and attic that had a total floor area of around 300 m². Out of the 1697 m² of land on..."


b a u n e t z_  w i s s e n_
p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 9

"In einer Gegend, die vom Weinbau geprägt ist, und einer Landschaft, in der Schieferböden keine Seltenheit sind, erscheint ein terrassiertes Wohnhaus mit Schiefermauern nicht ungewöhnlich. Das RPFV House in der nordportugie..."

a r c h d a i l y  B r a s i l

p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"Com mais de quatro mil projetos publicados em 2018, nossos editores fecham este ano estimulante para a arquitetura com uma seleção dos melhores projetos de uma tipologia cara a todos nós: casas. De paisagens remota..."


a r c h e l l o

p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"The proposal was made for a plot of land with 1697 m², where 112 m² were covered area that corresponded to a demolished two-floor house and attic that had a total floor area of around 300 m². Out of the 1697 m² of land on..."


d i v i s a r e

p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"The proposal was made for a plot of land with 1697 m², where 112 m² were covered area that corresponded to a demolished two-floor house and attic that had a total floor area of around 300 m². Out of the 1697 m² of land on..."

g o o o o d

p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 8


a r c h d a i l y

p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"The proposal was made for a plot of land with 1697 m², where 112 m² were covered area that corresponded to a demolished two-floor house and attic that had a total floor area of around 300 m². Out of the 1697 m² of land on..."

a f a s i a m a g a z i n e

p u b l i c a t i o n | R P F V h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"The proposal was made for a plot of land with 1697 m², where 112 m² were covered area that corresponded to a demolished two-floor house and attic that had a total floor area of around 300 m². Out of the 1697 m² of land on..."

m o r e w i t h l e s s

p u b l i c a t i o n  | M & M 's h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"M&M’s House es un proyecto residencial en Trofa, Portugal, y diseñado por los arquitectos portugueses NOARQ. La vivienda unifamiliar se sitúa en una parcela de 1500m2, cuya tipografía desciende 2,4m desde el lad..."

p ú b l i c o

p u b l i c a t i o n  | E D & J O h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"Chama-se Ed&Jo e é o mais recente dos projectos do NOARQ, um estúdio de arquitectura português. Com lugar em Vila Nova de Famalicão, no distrito de Braga, a moradia projectada por José Nunes de Oliveira não esq..."

t h i s i s p a p e r

p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"NOARQ is an architectural practice based in Porto. it was established in 1998 by José carlos Nunes de Oliveira and, since then, studio has evolved into an area of research, creation and production. Present project, named ED&JO ..."

d e z e e n

 p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e

2 0 1 8

"This house in Portugal, designed by architecture studio NOARQ, features a large curving canopy that wraps around a south-facing patio. Casa ED&JO is a single-family house located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, a town north ..."

a r c h d a i l y

 p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"Projeto de demolição de uma moradia unifamiliar e reconstrução de outra em seu lugar, no centro de V. N. de Famalicão. A proposta desenvolve-se num terreno urbano com uma área de 940,80 m2 e configuração triangular..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"The project was to demolish a single-family dwelling and build another one in its place in the centre of V. N. de Famalicão. The proposal is on a triangular urban plot of land covering an area of 940.80 m2. The topography i..."

a r c h d a i l y

  p u b l i c a t i o n | M & M 's h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"Uma moradia unifamiliar. Um terreno com 1500 m2, na Trofa. Da rua do Carvalhinho, a norte, a topografia desce 2,4 m para a via confinante a sul, a EN104. A nascente, a cota de solo do confrontante eleva-se 2 m a..."

r o o f  m a g a z i n e

 p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"A Casa ED&JO, em Vila Nova de Famalicão, nasceu num terreno triangular, após a demolição da moradia unifamiliar que anteriormente o ocupava. Projetada pelo arquiteto José Carlos Nunes de Oliveira (NOARQ), a ca..."

d i s - u p !

 p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"En la ciudad portuguesa de Famalicão, la Casa ED&JO aparece como un talud arquitectónico que ha sido excavado para permitir el ingreso de luz natural y ofrecer a sus ocupantes un patio protegido. La vivienda unifamiliar..."

a r c h i n e c t

 p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"A new project titled CASA ED & JO features a clean and curved design by NOARQ. The renovated house is located in Famalicão, Portugal with tucked away patios inside a triangular urban plot. The lot is highly exposed due to di..." 

w o r l d a r c h i t e c t u r e

  p u b l i c a t i o n | E D & J O h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"Smooth curvy roof a Portuguese house wraps the whole house along with the existing topography, which gives a shape to the Casa ED&JO house in Famalicão, Portugal.

Designed by Portugal-based architecture firm NOARQ, t..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  B I T U R B O 

2 0 1 8

"The company had just moved premises but the production area was properly organised and was working at full tilt. The office area was 125 sqm of open space, vague, anonymous, where the removal boxes were unpacked an..."


d i v i s a r e

  p u b l i c a t i o n  |  M & M 's  h o u s e 

2 0 1 8

"A 1500 sqm plot of land in Trofa. From Rua do Carvalhinho to the north, the topography drops 2.4 m to the adjacent road to the south, the EN104. In the east, the elevation of the abutting soil rises 2 m above the land. W.."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n | L I R I O  I  &  I I 

2 0 1 8

"Bread is an old man. It subsisted Methuselah. It is humble, ancestral. It stopped being domestic and became the place of meeting and coming together. They asked me to renovate a bakery where I have been a customer since I was a ch..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  M A M I  h o u s e

2 0 1 7

"They came to me and asked me to design a 160 m² house for €80,000. I told them it wasn't possible; I proposed them to raise the budget a bit, and I would have accepted. Poetry is not exclusive property of the wealthy. A few day..."

g o o o o d

  p u b l i c a t i o n | M A M I h o u s e 

2 0 1 7


d e z e e n

 p u b l i c a t i o n | M A M I h o u s e 

2 0 1 7

"Faced with the difficult task of delivering a family house for less than €100,000, Portuguese architect José Carlos Nunes de Oliveira designed this cuboidal concrete property. Nunes de Oliveira, who leads architecture stud..."

a f a s i a

  p u b l i c a t i o n | M A M I h o u s e 

2 0 1 7

"Moradia unifamiliar na Rua dos Caçadores em Perafita, Matosinhos, para um casal jovem com um budget de 90 000 €. O lote tem uma área total de 390 m2. A forma do terreno é de geometria irregular, aproximando-se a uma ..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  T O R C A T O

2 0 1 7

"How to design a work and exhibition studio for a fashion designer? We found a space drawn, fully coated in wood, probably too labelled: without the necessary quality, neither the best finishing. Build is not economic; demolish neither..."

a r c h d a i l y

  p u b l i c a t i o n | M O R S c h a p e l s

2 0 1 7

“Os Mortos têm apenas a existência que os vivos maginam para eles” Terá sido a este estado de consciência a que terá chegado o Padre Luciano Lagoa para se inquietar com o estado das capelas mortuárias paroquiais de S. Marti..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  V N  p a v i l i o n 

2 0 1 7

"An emergency: to expand a garden structure to host a family wed-ding party that was going to be held in four months' time. The challenge was not promising. The purpose was weak. Meanwhile, the client bought the plot at the ..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  C E N Á R I O c a f é

2 0 1 7

"“... food isn't working, I want to sell drinks!” At its 7th life, a tiny restaurant that came back as a bar. All that remained of the dining room was the owner, the license and the tiny 50 m2. The complexity of the programme was endless from t..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  J S a p a r t m e n t 

2 0 1 7

"The building makes a corner of bevelled corners, resulting in a strange geometry of spaces within the fractions. The t2 has 70 m2 of gross area and almost nothing in the useful areas. The walls take up too much space. The architectur..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  G T S  o f f i c e s

2 0 1 7

"History of rehabilitation of a rehabilitation. Confuncio suggested that everything is beautiful but not all come. Whoever once decided to promote a humble house-servant’s house, in what would later become the manager..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  C R I S T O h o u s e

2 0 1 7

"The request was to conceive an economic house for a young couple, that should ensure a living room/dining room, a kitchen, two single bedrooms, and an adjacent office served by a common bathroom and a double bedr..."

NoArq - Duas capelas _ Trofa, Porto, Por

d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  M O R S c h a p e l s

2 0 1 7

"The request was to conceive an economic house for a young couple, that should ensure a living room/dining room, a kitchen, two single bedrooms, and an adjacent office served by a common bathroom and a double bedr..."


d i v i s a r e

 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  N P h o u s e

2 0 1 7

"Adequacy of existing housing, with 262.09m2 of gross floor area, to the actual needs of comfort for an family of 4 persons and the housing laws and rules of construction and building regulations. The building currently in the middle ..."


f r a m e
 p u b l i c a t i o n  |  N P h o u s e

2 0 1 3

"Following a programme which envisioned the expansion and renovation of a house in a small town in the North of Portugal, architect José Carlos Nunes de Oliveira, founder of the Porto-based studio NoArq, transformed..."

NOARQ  |  no arquitectos lda

PORTO  rua 5 de Outubro, 315, Portugal

TROFA  rua João Paulo II, 615, Portugal

t. +351 252 414 729

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